These fifteen tuneful lampoons take on the neo-con nitwits and evangelical nutcases whose Faulty Intelligence led us to war in Iraq and inflamed the Culture Wars. Highlights include a lesson in "Creation Science 101" and a plaintive plea to "Abstain With Me."
“You know, I receive quite a few CDs each week, in the mail, in person, in the neighbors' garbage... but I rarely tear one open with gleeful abandon, drop everything I'm doing, and blast the damn thing while dancing around in my pajamas. This is the war on terror! Can't wait to air ALL of this!” -- Steve Goodie, Radio Free Nashville
Faulty Intelligence is available as a CD or as a digital download. It's also a part of the Complete Roy Collection Bundle. Our bundles are the best deals, and they're available as CDs/DVDs or as digital downloads. You can also get a free download of the mp3 audio file for "My Conservative Girlfriend.”