Thanks For the Support

Track List

To Be a Liberal | I'll Pull Out | Don't Make Fun of the Crippled Boy | Thanks For the Support l Ted Haggard Is Completely Heterosexual l Dear Number 1036924053887 l Is America Ready? | Eine Kleine Barackmusik l Burn Goody Clinton! l Superdelegate | The Man, the Myth, the McCain | I Approve This Message

"It's really bad -- I mean, it's poorly done -- but it's funny." -- Ted Haggard (About "Ted Haggard is Completely Heterosexual")

"I am a fellow musician, a keyboardist in the hard rock band Operation Mindcrime (formerly Queensryche), and I have been watching your videos for a long time now and ABSOLUTELY love what you do. In this era of catastrophe I needed a little bit of humour to get me through, and I went back a while and listened to your 'I Approve This Message' and while I was listening, tears started to cascade out of my eyes. I guess I really needed some hope, and this song gave it back to me." - Randall Gane